Moisture Measurement for DDG |
APP-002 (342KB) |
During the distillation process of ethanol from crops such as corn, sorghum, or barley, DDG, Dried Distiller's Grains, are produced as cereal byproduct. |
Moisture in Wheat Flour / Milk Powder |
APP-027 (356KB) |
Wheat flour requires to be observed under a subtle and accurate moisture control, because powdery wheat flour is easy to be transformed into a sticky dough with excess moisture. |
Moisture Measurement for Incinerator Ash |
APP-049 (315KB) |
Incinerator ash needs extensive moisture control, ash would be scattered around with very low moisture, while excess moisture would cost more(to transport). |
Moisture in cleaning solution |
APP-094 (327KB) |
Instead of using Chlorofluorocarbon, alcohol solution is used for cleaning PCB (printed circuit board), LC(liquid crystal), or solar panel. This solusion tend to start fire at low moisture. While excess moisture reduces cleaning ability of the solution. Therefore, moisture control is essential for these solutions. |
Moisture Measurement / Sugar Production |
APP-037 (352KB) |
The sugar industry processes sugar cane and sugar beet to manufacture ediblesugar.
Moisture in Wet Pet Food / Feed Stock |
APP-009 (310KB) |
Moisture controll for Pet Food is and has been in important roll in the Pet Foodand Feed Stock Industories. |
Moisture in Dry Pet Food / Feed Stock |
APP-006 (323KB) |
Moisture control for Pet Food is and has been in important roll in the Pet Foodand Feed Stock Industries. |
Moisture in Soap Pellets |
APP-022 (336KB) |
The CHINO IM series is an on-line multi wavelength analyzer utilizing infraredabsorption technology to measure percent water in soap pellets. The standardmoisture range of the unit is 0.0% to 15.0% with a 0.3% resolution or 0.0% to30.0% with a 0.8% resolution.Moisture content of soap pellets differs depending on desired characteristics ofthe soap bar. On-line moisture measurement at the exit of the SprayDryer/Pelletizer provides immediate feedback on moisture levels enabling morerapid optimization of the process upon start-up, on-going cost savings frommore efficient usage of the dryer, and consistent high quality product. |
Moisture in 200 Proof Ethanol |
APP-010 (312KB) |
The CHINO IM series is an on-line multi wavelength liquid analyzer utilizinginfrared absorption technology to measure percent water in 200 Proof Ethanol.The standard moisture range of the unit is 0.00% to 2.00% with a 0.01%resolution. Signal processing capabilities are built into the compact designeddetector unit for easy installation and operation. |
Moisture in Cement Raw Clay |
APP-011 (315KB) |
The CHINO IM series is an on-line multi wavelength analyzer utilizing infraredabsorption technology to measure percent water in clay. The standard moisturerange of the unit is 0.0% to 15.0% with a 0.3% resolution or 0.0% to 30.0% witha 0.8% resolution. Moisture control on cement clay plays an important role inorder to determine high quality in its final form. |
Moisture in Raw Material for Sintering |
APP-047 (317KB) |
The CHINO IM series is an on-line multi wavelength analyzer utilizing infraredabsorption technology to measure percent water in raw material such as clay,iron ore, lime stone or coal.The standard moisture range of the unit is 0.0% to 15.0% with a 0.3%resolution or 0.0% to 30.0% with a 0.8% resolution. Such raw materials may bestored in an open atmosphere condition. Therefore water content in this rawmaterial varies depending on weather conditions (Rain or Dry season, etc.). |
Moisture in Paper |
APP-063 (347KB) |
The CHINO IM series is an on-line multi wavelength liquid analyzer utilizinginfrared absorption technology to measure percent water in paper production.The standard moisture range of the unit is 2.0% to 12.0% with a 0.2%resolution or 0.0% to 30.0% with a 0.8% resolution.Moisture values of paper in the paper making process and humidificationprocess must be suppressed to be within several % H2O with the referencevalue for the purpose of attaining the uniform quality and energy-saving. Afterwinding, the moisture value is normally controlled by a sample test. WithCHINO IM series, it will be measured in on-line mode and the dryertemperature is controlled to set the moisture value to conform to its aimedspecified value as increasing examples in recent years. |
Moisture in Particle Board Chips |
APP-083 (316KB) |
he CHINO IM series is an on-line multi wavelength liquid analyzer utilizinginfrared absorption technology to measure percent water in particle boardchips. The standard moisture range of the unit is 2.0% to 12.0% with a 0.2%resolution or 0.0% to 30.0% with a 0.8% resolution. |
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